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Tips to take the best pictures that will boost your rentals

Without a doubt, great pictures attract more customers. Vehicles with the right pictures that give the potential customer a better view of the interior and exterior of the vehicle stand a better chance at getting hired. If your car is great and in good working condition, the best way to attract people to it is through taking the right pictures. The following is a guide to taking the right pictures that will boost your rentals.

#1 Take the picture with you in it

One of the tips to take a great car rental picture is to stand next to your car in the picture. Ensure you have a great smile which will attract potential customers to your listing. A customer will feel free to request your car rental if they can see you in the picture. This plays a psychological role of enabling the customer to relate with you and feel free to make an enquiry.

#2 Take a great front angle picture of the car

A front angle picture gives the interested party a clear idea of the length of the car and the number of doors. A front angle picture is more attractive to the customer.

#3 Take a clear picture of the car’s side

Ensure the car is fully visible from one end to the other. This gives the customer a clear picture of the car’s view.

#4 Ensure there is a picture of the back of the car

This enables the renter to know the size and shape of the boot.

#5 Picture of an open boot

The open boot picture will inform the renter of the accurate sizing and they will be able to determine if it will meet his/her needs.

#6 Take a great picture of the dashboard

This will give the renter an idea of how driving the car will be.

#7 Take a picture of the back seat

This will give the renter a picture of the available seats and size.

#8 Take a picture of any special feature of the car

This will attract more renters to your car.

Tips to improve the pictures:

Basic Preparation:

Ensure you do the necessary basic preparations which include cleaning the car on the inside and outside. A clean car has a better chance of being rented.

Choose the right background:

Ensure the background when taking the pictures is bright enough to ensure they pictures are visible and clear. Use as much natural light as possible. The best time to take the pictures during the day is when the sun comes out. Clear pictures will attract the renter to your car rental.

Use landscape format for the pictures:

The best pictures are in landscape format as it ensures the renter gets a more accurate view of the vehicle. Portrait format compresses pictures which may mislead the renter.

Use a frame that maintains the margins accordingly:

Ensure the frame used included the whole car in the picture and leaves out some margin of space around the car. Ensure the framing does not crop out some features or parts of the car out.

If you follow all these tips you will definitely have a lot of leads to your car rental.

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