
Rent A Car in Bangkok Blog

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Rent-A-Car-Club - Getting Started

If you are just getting started with the rent-a-car club, there are things that you need to do.

Perfect Listing

This is the first thing that you need to do in order to make sure that your car is booked as often as it can. Otherwise, you are not going to make any money. You need to create a listing that will attract potential drivers to book your car and not someone else’s.

  • Take photos - when someone wants to rent a car, they want to know what it looks like. No one wants to rent a beat-up car for a special occasion. This is having a picture is the most important part of your listing. You don’t have to have professional photos unless you want but you can do it yourself with a well-lit background and a good quality camera.
  • Detail description - the renter will want to know if the car will meet their needs. Since you cannot tell what everyone will want to know, provide as many details as you can. Include things like accessories, such as a stereo, or a roof rack, air conditioning, etc. If you want to rent your car under certain conditions, mention that.
  • Updated calendar - this makes a listing more effective because you will only receive booking requests when the car is available. The more requests you accept the higher the listing.
  • Fair price - if your price is not fair according to others that are also renting their car, then you will not have any customers. The price should include in it the daily rental plus small booking fee, and insurance. Too high you will not have any bookings but too low and you will lose money.

Instant booking

If you use this app, it makes it easier to book your car because it will book it immediately if the slot is open It save time for both the driver and owner. With this, the driver can book a car directly without having to send an email or text to the owner asking if a certain time is available and wait for an answer.

  • Owners love it - you do not have to spend time approving a rental request. When the driver selects your car, they will straight to booking and make their payment. The owner will be notified when this happens so you will only become involved once the booking has been confirmed
  • How it works - this app is available for cars that have a very low cancellation rate and a very good acceptance rate.

When using instant booking, make sure that you keep your calendar up to date so you do not have to cancel any bookings that have been confirmed because that spot is not available. Make sure that the rental conditions are complete and in the car settings. Personalize the message that will be sent to the driver who booked your car.

Following these tips will help you make your rent-a-car club work and be a great experienced and profitable one.

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